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The Oath (The Coven Series Book 2) Page 2
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The chair scraped as he sat down, and I felt his presence settle beside me. I peeked up at him from underneath my lashes. The heartbeat hit warp speed two. Heat radiated off of him. The corner of his mouth tilted like he wanted to smile, but was trying not to. His head bent in my direction, and I felt him shift closer. Warp speed three hit full throttle. If I didn’t calm down, I might just hyperventilate, and I have never, ever fainted in my life, but I felt like I might any second now.
“I’m Xavier McGregor.” His voice sounded all smooth and rich like warm, dark chocolate. Warp speed four kicked in with a vengeance. I could hear my heartbeat pound in my ears. So not good. I was not one of those girls who went stupid because a gorgeous guy deigned to speak with her. I was a witch, dammit. I would answer him and then proceed to ignore him the rest of the class.
“Melinda.” I opened my chemistry book to the chapter Mr. Simon was lecturing on and focused all my concentration on taking notes. Or at least I tried to. Xavier was a hard person to ignore.
My last name he did not need to know, so I didn’t bother responding.
His arm brushed against mine as he moved to mimic me. Warp speed four flew out the window straight into five. Max speed achieved. What was wrong with me? I glanced up and saw he was grinning mischievously at me, and I wanted to kick him. He knew I was struggling here, and he was laughing at me.
Kicking him would be bad. In fact, acting all doe-eyed and goofy was just what I should do, seeing as how I was supposed to be blending in with the natives, but I wasn’t sure I could do it. The urge for violence was strong, and I fought not to give into it. Remember the mission, I warned myself.
So instead, I tucked my head down and worked hard to ignore the heartbeat in my ears, the guy laughing softly beside me, and I forced myself to take notes with a shaky hand. Whether the shaking was from anger or nerves, I honestly didn’t know. I’d be glad to get away from this boy, though, who not only looked at me like he knew what I was up to, but who laughed at the reaction he caused in me.
“Can I borrow a pen?”
“I don’t have any extra,” I replied tartly.
There were several girls looking at me like I was crazy, and I knew my initial thoughts had been right. This was not how my persona of Barbie should act. I should be fawning all over the guy, judging from the expressions on the faces of every other girl in the room. Going from Goth chick to Barbie was turning out to be harder than I imagined.
“So Melinda No Last Name,” the guy continued as if I hadn’t just brushed him off. “Do you have a piece of paper? Bethany was kind enough to loan me a pen.”
I glanced over at the girl smiling smugly and whispering to her herd of wannabes. I had the strongest need to reach out and throw the borrowed pen back at her, but then I had refused to loan Xavier one of mine. My lips pursed and I tore out a sheet of paper and slid it across the table to him. Bethany frowned at me, and I smiled sweetly at her, the smile saying in volumes to back off. I had always been good at those kinds of smiles. They tended to terrify people. Bethany proved to be just as vulnerable to that smile. She turned away and refused to look at us.
Xavier laughed. “Well now, I didn’t know you cared so much.”
I snorted, and he chuckled.
Thankfully he didn’t try chit chat again for the rest of the class, which was good because the lecture turned into something I really did need to take notes on. Mr. Simon pushed us with material I hadn’t seen before. He ended the class by giving us homework that I couldn’t wait to start on. It was more complex than even I was used to. We would test our theories in lab the next day. He was fast becoming my all-time favorite teacher.
One of the senior girls on my list of people to impress came to stand at my table the minute class was over. She was tall, blonde, and way too perky. Her brown eyes sparkled with something. I would almost say laughter, but that would have been too kind. Her eyes held an edge to them, something that wouldn’t quite laugh. I’d seen eyes like that once before. That person had been infected with a darkness so black it had taken several witches to overcome it. My dad had been one of the Hunters who’d tracked the guy down.
Dad was a rogue witch hunter, or simply a Hunter, hired by the Senior Coven of the North American Council. It didn’t pay much, but that’s why he was a computer programmer. He could do his work from home or on the road. His job allowed him to be mobile and flexible, the necessary requirements for an underpaid witch Hunter. I always got goose bumps when thinking of what I was doing in relation to Dad’s job. Would I fall under that category of rogue witch for what I was gonna do? I didn’t know, and I wouldn’t let myself think about it. Jenny needed vengeance, and she’d never get it in the hands of the human authorities. So it was up to me.
“I’m Mandy Davis,” the blonde said and smiled down at me. “You’re a junior, aren’t you?”
I nodded. They were wondering why a junior was in a senior level advanced placement chemistry class. I had counted on that being in my favor, though it could just as easily go against me. Smart kids weren’t as well received, but the fact she was in the class herself gave me more confidence in the former opinion.
“Yes, I just transferred from LA.”
“Really?” she said. “No wonder your tan looks so great.”
“So, how’d you get in a senior level class?” a boy asked as he ambled up and threw his arm over Mandy’s shoulders. He was blonde, blue eyed, and played football or some such sport by the look of the varsity jacket he wore. His eyes roved over me, and I felt gross at the unveiled lust in them. As if that would ever happen.
“I was in AP Chem back in LA,” I explained, standing up and forcing them to move backward.
“Ms. James,” Mr. Simon called from the front of the room. “If you could stop by and see me before you leave, I’d appreciate it. I need to make sure we have everything you’ll need to complete your experiment for the National Science Fair.”
“Sure thing, Mr. Simon,” I said with a nod. “If you guys will excuse me, I’ll go ahead and do that so I have a few minutes for a half a yogurt. I’m starved.”
I left them staring at me, openmouthed, all except for Xavier. He was laughing. He knew what I was up to, damn him. No matter. If he got in my way, I’d deal with it. No one was going to stop me.
Chapter Three
~ Unexpected Houseguests ~
An unfamiliar black Lexus sat in my parking spot when I pulled Gran’s little blue Bug into the driveway. The front door to the house stood open, several suitcases on the porch. Gran’s big tabby cat, Bob, did not look happy. Gran hadn’t said a word last night about having company over. Who was here? I dreaded getting out of the car. Why did it have to be so cold?
“Thank you so much, Elizabeth. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.”
The guy speaking was off to the left of the doorway. He was tall and broad, with a mane of chocolaty brown hair. Delicious was the word that came to mind when I looked at him, but I didn’t go all gaga over him like I had Xavier. At least I could assure myself I hadn’t completely lost my mind.
“It’s not a problem, Ethan. I’m just so sorry about your house. Did the fire marshal tell you what started the fire?”
“He said he should have an answer in a few days, but most likely it was the wiring. It’s pretty old, and I’d planned on replacing it this year anyway. I’m just glad I called ahead and had the heat and power turned on before we got here. I’d hate to have had that fire happen while we were sleeping.”
“My word, yes, that was luck.” Gran stopped when she spotted me in the doorway. A smile broke out, and she ushered me in. “Close the door, Meli. All of the heat is getting out.”
My eyebrows rose. The door had been standing open for who knows how long before I got home. I wasn’t the one who’d left it open.
“Let me introduce you to an old friend,” she c
ontinued, unabashed at my expression. “This is Ethan Warren. He lives a few streets over from us. Ethan, this is Melinda.”
He turned those smoky gray eyes on me. They were full of warmth and more than a little surprise. “Hello, Melinda. Your grandmother has told me quite a bit about you.” Ah, that accounted for the surprise. Gran never hid the fact that I liked to dress Goth. I’m sure he was a little shocked I was blonde and wearing a pink headband.
“Hey.” I nodded to him.
“Ethan had a house fire, so he’ll be staying with us for a bit.”
I frowned. He might get in the way of my plan. Gran I could get around, but someone I didn’t know? Definitely could be an issue.
“Cassie just needed to get away and hide for a bit…” Ethan began.
“Hide?” Laughter followed the statement. “She’s not hiding, or I wouldn’t be here.”
I swiveled to see another boy lounging in the doorway to the dining room. Cute was the first word that came to mind, but cute was an understatement. He was just as gorgeous as the guy standing in front of me. I had to look at him to see it. Ethan sort of took your breath away, and next to him, the newcomer paled, but only for a minute. There was something about his face, something that just wanted to make you smile. And those eyes, ohmygosh, I’d never seen eyes so blue in my life. Nor had I seen eyes so full of rage. Cute he might be, but it was the rage in those eyes that held and caught my attention.
Wait. They had to be witches. No way did I find this many extra cute guys all in one place. Sure, you always had at least one or two gorgeous guys and a couple cute ones in every high school, but not this many. So, witches.
Ethan glared at the newcomer. “You are here because she’s too soft-hearted.”
“Will you both just shut the hell up?”
A petite redhead came bounding down the stairs. She was about my age. Honey gold eyes, spitting fire, glared at them both. This, I assumed, was the before-mentioned Cassie. I almost took a step backward. The utter power rolling off her was enough to send most people to their knees. She was definitely a witch, a very gifted one, who at the moment was pissed beyond all words and measures.
“I swear by all that is holy, if you two don’t stop snarling at each other, I am going to beat you both bloody.”
Now here was a girl with some grit. She might be too cute and fashionably trendy for her own good, but underneath it all, she was tough. I could get along with her. Maybe.
“I said shut up!” she interrupted them both. “I have had enough of this bickering. Yes, Ethan, I know you are not happy with Jeff being here, but his parents are out of town for the next three weeks, and he has to have someone to look after him. It was my fault he got shot, and I’ll be damned if I run off and leave him there with no one.”
Jeff smirked.
“And you can just wipe that smirk off your face,” she said and rounded on Jeff, who instantly straightened up. “You are my friend and I love you, but only as a friend.”
“So you say,” he replied, grinning from ear to ear.
What did Gran do? Our house was going to turn into an episode of Days of Our Lives.
Cassie threw her hands up in the air. “Why do I bother?”
“’Cause you love me.”
Ethan growled and took a step toward him. The little bit of fluff put herself directly in front of him. His expression softened in a heartbeat, and he smiled down at her. Then he leaned down and kissed her.
Jeff made a choking sound and then took himself off through the dining room door.
“Did you have to do that?” Cassie asked a little breathlessly.
“Yup, you betcha.”
She laughed softly. “Can’t you try to be nice to him? For me? Please?”
Ah, there was that doe eyed look most men couldn’t resist, and Ethan proved himself sappy. “I’ll try.”
“Thank you,” she said and then turned to my grandmother. “I am so sorry, Mrs. James. They are like two dogs fighting over the same bone.”
“Don’t worry about it, dear.” Gran smiled at her. Gag. A lovers’ triangle I did not need right now. This was so going to interfere with my plans. How was I supposed to plot and craft the potions I needed with another witch in the house? And one as powerful as this girl? Hmm, this could get tricky. I didn’t want to hurt her, but I would if she forced me to.
“I’ll talk to Jeff, and I promise he and Ethan will be on their best behavior.” She turned curious eyes to me.
“Cassie, this is Elizabeth’s granddaughter, Melinda,” Ethan introduced us. “She’s staying with Lizzy for a while.”
Lizzy? Okay, something really bizarre was going on. Ethan couldn’t be much older than me, but he was calling my Gran Lizzy? No one called her that, especially not a teenage boy.
“Hi,” the redhead said and gave me a small smile. “Sorry if we are intruding on the time with your grandmother.”
“Don’t worry about it.” At least not unless you get in my way.
“I’m Cassie Bishop, by the way. Everyone calls me CJ.”
Small talk. Maybe we wouldn’t be getting along after all. I hated people with the need to fill up a perfectly good silence with nonsense chit chat. They irritated me more than old reruns of 90210, the revamped edition.
“Well, Ethan has told me a lot about you, dear,” Gran continued. “It nice to finally meet you. Melinda, CJ is the Coven Mistress of her Coven.”
My eyebrows did shoot up at this. The girl was my age. Now how in the world did she manage that one?
“No, I’m not,” CJ denied.
Gran frowned.
“Just because everyone tells me I am doesn’t mean I have to do it.”
Ethan sighed, and Gran just looked confused. “You have plenty of time to think about it, Cassie. Why don’t we get you settled in our room? You look tired.”
Cassie nodded and let Ethan pull her up the stairs. As soon as they were out of sight I rounded on my grandmother. “What’s going on?”
“I told you, Melinda. Ethan’s house caught on fire, and he needed a place to stay for a bit.”
“And just why does he call you Lizzy?”
Gran winced. “It’s a long story, Meli, and not mine to tell. If he wants you to know, he’ll tell you. Now, how was your first day of school?”
“Fine,” I lied. I’d been bored out of my mind outside of my Chemistry class. Well, at least I’d gotten the attention of the seniors, and people were buzzing about my statement of being a witch. Just what I wanted. Well, it hadn’t been all bad, there was the guy from the airport. Just thinking about him caused me to stop breathing momentarily. So not me. What was wrong with me today?
“She’s really a Coven Mistress?” I asked Gran. Why would she deny it? That was one of the most respected and sought after roles in a Coven, and for her to achieve it so young? Unheard of. Why didn’t she want it?
“Yes, Ethan said she was, but I’m not sure why she’s denying it either. It’s odd.”
“How long are they staying?”
“I’m not sure, Meli. Ethan didn’t say, but he’s welcome here as long as he wants to stay.”
Hmm. Who was this Ethan to Gran? And why did Cassie not wish to be a Coven Mistress, and how did Jeff play into the mix? All very good questions I’d get the answers to while I worked around them. Maybe playing Nancy Drew would keep them so busy protecting their own secrets they wouldn’t have time to pry into mine.
I smiled quite evilly.
Chapter Four
~ The Beginning of the End ~
December 19th, 2012
I can’t believe it. Sebastian Freaking Caine walked right up to me at lunch and asked for my phone number. I didn’t think I was even a tiny speck of a blimp on his radar. Don’t get me wrong. I’m popular, more than popular, really, but even I can’t get into Sebastian’s little circle of friends. They are like the MEGA popular of the school. They’r
e only Juniors and even the Seniors envy them. If they so much as blink at you by accident, you’ve been blessed and he ASKED ME FOR MY PHONE NUMBER!
Me! Jenny Melton! I can’t wait to tell Mel tonight when we chat. She’s going to roll her eyes at me and I don’t care. She just doesn’t understand that who you date in high school is important. I wish I could be more like her and not care what anyone thinks of me, but I can’t. I want people to like me. I try to be nice to everyone I know and I need them to know I care about them. My friends are important to me.
Anyway, Suzie and I were at our lockers getting ready to head to lunch when he came over in all his glory. Imagine a younger darker version of David Beckham. Tall, dark, and absolutely beautiful. His brown eyes are so deep they just want to make you melt into a little puddle when he looks at you. His smile is like having a warm blanket wrapped around you in the middle of winter. You’re all warm and content just basking in it.
Suzie and I were chatting about what we were going to be doing over winter break. She’s heading back to Vermont to spend the holidays with her family, and Dad and I decided to head down to Winter Place in West Virginia to do some skiing right after Christmas. Suzie’s jaw dropped open and drool spilled out. I kid you not, I laughed outright until she pointed and I turned to see him smiling at us. My face flamed up redder than my favorite crimson blush lipstick. I was so embarrassed. There I was with my face beet red and Suzie drooling like some idiot. I wanted to crawl into a hole and hide until the end of time.
Sebastian just continued to smile and asked if he could call me over the break. Maybe get together for a burger or something. I think I mumbled something close to an acceptable response. I can’t remember. I was in shock. He gave me his phone and had me put my number in it. I fumbled and had to erase stuff I was so flustered, but I got it in there with my name. He told me and Suzie to have a great holiday and then winked at me and said he’d call later.